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Samuel F. Baggen - Thanatermesis
Founder and Developer of Elive
My name is Samuel F. Baggen and I'm the founder of Elive since 2002 when it was a very different, geekier system; since then I have been the sole developer of Elive and received extra collaborations from volunteers. Later, the first public version appeared in 2005.
I still actively developing Elive and I love making it greater every day, I have a thousand of ideas that I would like to include on it but my human condition doesn't allow me to reach all of them, I can define myself as a dreamer or visionary, so the limits of my imagination don't exist but the possibilities to make them real are more limited, sometimes frustrating me when realizing them, but in the end, the historical result of Elive can tell by itself.
My life's purpose is to make this a better world, actually I'm doing it by providing with Elive a reliable alternative to other operating systems, which is much faster, lighter, and more intuitive. My job in Elive is undefined, where I'm charged with everything like developing, customizing or automating, I also spend a good amount of time brainstorming an optimal user-experience by bringing new ideas and ways of use computers.

Samuel F. Baggen
Founder and Developer
Special Thanks to:
Deon 'princeamd' Thomas: Deon was a full-time worker for Elive which improved the Enlightenment desktop for the specific Elive purposes and was also able to make the website of Elive to work internally in functions and plugins that was required, his collaboration in misc things is too big to list all of them.
Chris 'roxville' Tidestrom: For his long support and help in the Elive development, and its lot of works on designs, elive release boxes, icons, wallpapers, etc
David 'LinuxNIT' Braker: For the application net-connector which was able to make the Topaz versions to have a really nice internet configurator, and also for the samba tools that we still use today.
Josef 'cornelius' Vybiral: For the old and nice bootsplash and boot menus
Frédéric 'Johnthefisherman' Boehler: For his amazing designs of the future elpanel and Elive CD covers.
Duvel Root 'duvelr': For his incredible night-theme design for Enlightnement that we had in Topaz and Gem
Manuel 'bentejuy' Lopez: For his amazing dedication and good quality work on the old website creating unique plugins in the times where the web effects were not known, integration of the E website theme and some C works
Dagneaux 'ikevin' Kevin: For his help in the servers side, email configuration and long mirroring of Elive
RuudKuin: For his amazing idea and development of the Elive logo design
Alexandre 'pr0t0cod7' Dhaussy: For his translations to french and site maintainer, but also for its very nice imagination in edje theming and E experiments
Andrew 'HandyAndE' Williams: For the old CMS provider based in XSM
Blake 'shadoi' Barnett: For its very early help in domain and server setup
Tim 'GPLGeek' Woods: For the lots of betatesting and users support
Issam 'SinPlomo' Kastite: For his misc collaboration and users support
T. 'Get' N.Ristow: For the gamming support and mirror help
Mirror Collaborators:
Active Mirrors:
Elive Servers USA (dreamhost)
Rémi Essaissi ( - Paris France
Joaquin G ( - Virginia, USA
NachBluttt ( - Hechi China
Gary ( - UK
Unactive Mirrors:
Paul BOREL ( - Paris, France
Yebyen / Kingdon ( - New York, USA
Antonie Boegler (evryanz)
Seablade (leviathan-avc)
Jean-Baptiste (
Jason Edson (oceighty)
Stefan Meissner (
Sasin (
MrSandman (cmhacks)
Ikevin (icedslash)
Ricardo Fuentes (
Thomas Vecchione (seablade)
Wizard (7ds)
St Louis (Retro)
Valá?ek Radek (
Dr. Baloch (infosys gateway malaysia)
Enlightenment FR
Translator collaborators:
2zzyQ - russian, Agust, ailtonribeiro, Airon90 - Italian, Esperanto, English, AL3X - Spanish, alaidn - catalan, albertogalan - Spanish, AlexAnteMachina - German, alexvalerot - spanish, alialda - The Czech republic, allinred - russian, alokkin - French, altoproxima - Dutch, alucarde - french, english, amal, amgchile - spanish, amid88, anabell - en, es, anka - sv,en, aorzh, ArgiWhomp, arielmoras, ArnicA - french, arttor - el, arxrobert, Arzakon - ca, es, assasukasse - Italian, asuarez - Spanish, awolters - dutch, babel - spanish / english, barravince - Italian, barsah, batden - French, English, beefreak - hungarian, german,, Bellovux - Dutch (Belgian), Bety-Jane - spanish, bigjimlefou - French, bluegreen, bluez - Turkish, English, Bodan, borislavbog - Bulgarian, bouba - italian, brucs7 - pt, bryanstein - untarzanic, Bubblez - Ukrainian, Russian, Caio, cbrunos - french portuguese luxemburgish, cenobyte - Dutch, CharlesD, chiropter - French/english, ChrisPZV - German, cicujano - spanish, Clavius - Spanish, Catalan, French, English, clever_fox - czech, clint - English, clkent - Spanish, cnfss - Spanish, conny - czech, conrado - spanish, CoolNile - Arabic, CrankHunt3r - German, Romanian, CrazyDiam - Ukrainian, cruncx - pt, csoliss - Spanish, curielapolonio, Cyberponcho - Spanish, english, german, cycloneous, Cyriaque - french, anglais, cyrinda - Czech, d3fstyle, dader, daleduro, dammitjim - Spanish, dan1971 - spanish, danibors - portuguese (brazilian), Daniel Nunes - portuguese, danielmelek - spanish, danny, dannyet, dante_r - spanish, DaRtHo - spanish, english, DaveLinux - spanish, david312, DcomFive, debior - hebrew, Deepoff - russian, Demishrike, deuxcroix - Romanian, divayht - french, english, djfox18921 - english,french, doberdog - Spanish, Galego, DomBoo - fr, domingo, donbis88, donlujah - Spanish Galician, Drogenfander - German English, duendenokturno, Dujicb - Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, dustmite, dutrinha, earl31515 - de, Eddy Marley - Portuguese, Ederxnight, EgorI,, eladamri, eliel - Portuguese (br), eliverling - en to german, elmo40 - English, emilio1625 - Spanish,, - spanish english, eno1997 - english, Erick Rangel Gomes, esthebanmx - spanish, Etern4L - Greek, English, French, etherea - italian, everspawn - English (few ES), evryanz - French, Russian, English., fatman2021, FenDanT - French, fermza87 - Spanish, FlameRage - Russsian, ford, franlou - french, Frombenny - French, fservin - spanish, english, G104acch1n0 - Italian, g3vi3s - spansih, gabak - spanish, Gajilidd - French, gargouille, gasimov - rus, gasp, gatsss - French, gEhektr - Spanish(Mexico), genaro - sv, genetik - Czech, gherardo - Spanish, Ghermain - Spanish, gl0ubi - french, Gnea, goldstein - portuguese, GPLGeek - english clean, Gran_Ger - spanish, gs - English German, guardian - CS, EN, hacalvo - spanish, harpi - fi, henaaque - Portuguese and English, hendrick - hungarian, hermit - english clean, horace, hritshiv, Hutch, hutchint, i027_1, iaemy - French, ibit - Russian, Ifree - English, Spanish, Catalan, infomdq, Jackho - french, Jagan - Italian, jakub07, Janarts, jappe - dutch,english, jaredlyvers - English, Jarth - NL, javier - spanish, javimore, jaycreation - français, jbarrales - spanish, jdackle - pt, pt-PT, fr, fr-ch, en, en-GB, en-US, jeanlou - French, jedidyah - English/Spanish, jeongmin - korean, jizo - Russian, JML-00 - Spanish, joelh - French / English, johnnyp - de en, Jon, jorgepsg, josemrm - Spanish, juanjgm - spanish, jundai69, jviotti - Spanish, JWB - nl en, jwilli2 - Danish, jwolfe - English, jykae - Finnish, jyvertone - Finnish, kapseltomasz - poland, kasper, kernic - catalan, kero - Catalan, Ketteske, kevin-g - Spanish, kevin - fr, kevinTest - French, Khyron-Angel, Khyron - English - Spanish, Kido - Russian, kirans, klode, kook - czech, Koshie - French, lagutenkovsergei, LAISNE - French, leoechevarria - Spanish, letiponebu - russian, lewiscowles - English, linguo - Spanish, Lo-Ko - Ingles, Logos - French / English, loiso2 - spanish, Lord_JABA - Polish, Lork Scorguar - fr, LSc, ltitcon - france, LuC - Polish/Polski, luciano - spanish, Lud - Spanish, ludwig - French, m-m - Portuguese, madom - slovak, MadPsych - English, manou - Spanish, marcomatt, marcoornes - spanish, marinho - pt_BR, mariuccio - italian, marko - English, marschmidt - Portuguese - BR, marta - lv (latvia), marteo - fr (birth language), ge (very good), Martin_Mantaras - Spanish, matryc - Polish, mattosoft - Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portughese, mauricioruso - spanish, maury - italian, maxann - russian, ME3Tmou - German, MEETmou - German, Megashadow - spanish, mehdi, meph - English, German, Mermouy - french, michael_mt90 - Romanian, miguelsoare - portugues, mique - Italian, English, mistrynitesh - English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, mmantaras - Spanish, mobydick964 - french, mohdshakeel77, Moohten - german, Mozart - Swedish, English, MultiUser, n_ones - Spanish / English, Naflgar - Spanish, nando, napi - spanish, Neo3, ngayegsm10, nicouy - english spanish, nicram - polish, Niels - dutch, npiccone - English, nukaway - spanish/valencian, nymunariya - German, o6s, oalarcon - Spanish, ohare, orascic - english, serbian, Orion - portuguese (brazilian), oucinde - Spanish / English, Pako - spanish, paola.i, Pat, Peerke - Dutch, pehuenche - Spanish, penknife - Polish, pescaico, peter.m. - German, pichifrias - spanish, pime01, piroman - english, Pkora - Croatian, plasma - German, popmircea - Romanian, Prars, princeamd, pvamshi - telugu, quandra - Nederlands, qwerewq - Lithuanian, r1to - slovenian, rabo, ragecryx - el, ragpicker - English, Bengali, Ramon - English (spanish?), Raven29 - russian, raven - English, rawrow - Russian, Reaper421, rebbi - English cleanup, redkom - Spanish, reglero - spanish, renesejer - Danish, reventao - spanish, rexxitall - german english, richard galin - spanish, richluis - Tagalog, English, Spanish, ridnix - german, robertu - Spanish, roger82 - Catalan, roger_ramjet, RoundQube, Ruidoso_Silencio - spanish, salamancaluis - spanol, samp3ri - Finnish, English, sandrotales - portugues, sarditia - Bulgarian, satz, savone - romanian, scc, seacat-es - Spanish, selasforos - Greek, English, selezian - Russian, shadowvice - English, Shaihul, she_dyed - English, Sigmun - French, silinux, sinbad75 - Spanish, Sivernetico, skate1968 - en, Slayer - German, Smokingpanda, Smolka-Spec - english, russian, sniff - Portugues-Brazil (PT-BR), Sofokl - ru, sprint955 - Dutch, Flemish, starfucker - Spanish, stark - Italian, stefan - Dutch, Stes - Italian, stream13 - Russian, Ukrainian, sumluc - English, sutanejo, sutee84 - hungarian, swimming - English to Spanish, talus46, tefalus - english, the_gizzle, theice - Russian, thepoki25782 - spanish, thequestion - french, Thybo - Spanish / English, ti8263, tiloubrunet - French, tiorody - English / Portuguese, tonyvstime - spanish, Trivious - English, trivious - English, trog - romanian, trompeteandos - spanish, trueno - spanish (latin), Tsalagi - English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, ucma - Danish, ulisesmmf, valenticz - sl, valsinats - English, Russian, Ukraine, vanslavich, vektorman - Bulgarian, vicodiaz, Vicophine, vienna, vitich - Russian, Ukrainian, vocin, Vorgen - English, vtorri - none, wasynyt - English, while0 - German, Wilbur289 - English, Wizard - polish, wolf_man89 - French, english, worsecat - spanish, english, wubles - english afrikaans, wuolfit - Italian, wuto - English, spanish, XayOn - Spanish, xenomorfo - spanish, XGaryG, xGaryG - en, xirux, xthakila - Indi, xtylz, yebyen, yihanpiaojian - zh, yupal - Romanian, yurick - Russian, z3d0 - Italian / French, Zell_89 - Italiano, Zewok - English, French, Zie Thoringi - german, ziold - French, zipotron - Spanish, Arabic, Zord, zuhataslan - swedish, turkish,