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There are many reasons why I donate to Elive: 2 bottles of wine per week cost me 20$ Canadian / week. Then 80$ to 100$ Canadien / month to enjoy wine. I consider that monthly, Elive provide me as much fun as the wine does… Elive helps me in my work, it’s also is my main workstation OS, and my fun playing with a stable Linux distro doing a lot of different things. It is a very stable OS, crashing less than others means less stress / frustration, less time lost, and less stress, these things are simply positive for my life and health I can use it in older computers (Elive is very fast), and renewing my computers happens less often, then my environnemental damaging footprint is smaller.
– Jean Francois Bourdeau –

Multiple reasons of why I donate to Elive

I’ve been using ELive for about 3 months now, and I have to say it is incredible. Fast, beautiful, clean and professional. Largely due to the beauty and utility of ELive I’ve shown to my peers and supervisors, I am currently installing the first Linux server in a traditionally MS exclusive shop.
– Secher –


Been using Linux exclusively for about 7-8 years. I’ve been using Elive for about 48 hours now and its already the best Linux experience I’ve had. Easy install, with just a few tweaks I’ve got it configured exactly how I want it, and the ecomorph effects are sooo nice. Elive seems like the perfect combo of speed (enlightenment), stability and easy software management (debian), and eye candy (compiz). Simply amazing — thanks to all the devs and everyone else involved in this project.
– Hawklad –


To the creators behind this awesome distro, please allow me to congratulate you and give you my thanks, for creating this unique piece of software. Elive is fast, super fast, freaking fast, is a gem. Thank you!!!!!
– Joe –


Elive is the best designed, stablest & elaborate distro that i ever had. And now in german, because my english is “Grottenschlecht”; Elive ist die best entwickelte, stabilste & durchdachteste Distro die ich jemals hatte. WEITER SO!!!!
– bohnor –


As most of us know who have used Elive for some time, it is a really good distro. It comes already complete with most things that your average user would need for their basic computing needs. I love the fact that this distro has what most other distro’s don’t, and that is a uniqueness and simplicity about it that makes my overall computing experience more fun and personal. The interface and layout is simple and beautiful, yet also very functional. I also love that the look and feel doesn’t come at the cost of speed. I have had Elive installed on boxes that had specs along the lines of 1Ghz and 256mb of Ram, and it’s always been fast and reliable. If you decide to put it on a more modern machine, it is lightning fast! There are too many distro’s out there now that are all dressed up versions of Ubuntu, and they are all starting to feel bland. I am glad that Elive has stayed on it’s own unique path. Please keep up the good work guys!
– wirelessjunkie –


Elive is definitely the best looking distributions available. It uses the Enlightenment desktop environment. The desktop is absolutely gorgeous! The stars in the sky twinkle and move throughout the very nice looking background. The application dock at the bottom of the screen is cute, in fact better than Mac OSX. I am soon gonna switch over to Elive. I love it. Keep up the good work Thanatermesis. You have done a fantastic job by producing this great distro and moreover giving it free to a student like me.
– Harish –


Greetings folks, I’d just like to say a big thankyou to the developers who put together one of the nicest user experiences I’ve ever come across. Worked flawlessly out of the box, didn’t have to prat about with codecs or drivers, just left me to get on with my work. Can’t say that for many OS’s and distros I’ve tried over the years. Outstanding work guys!
– Alan Fisher –


Elive is the most beautiful material I found on the net as far as linux distributions are concerned. And the most practical too. Once you install it, you have to forget about codecs and the problems that non-free stuff generates in other distributions. Elive made me abandon Windows, definitely.
– trezel –


Thank you for making Elive a Linux distribution that is just a pure joy to use. Best damn Linux so far I have used, and believe me I have used many of them only to be frustrated at well a lack of working right. I look forward to keeping up with what is going on.
– Jon Valentine –

Pure joy, best damn linux ever